Electronic service


Reykjanesbær offers elecronic service through this information website and through the self service website: Mitt Reykjanes, http://www.mittreykjanes.is which is linked to the ID number of each inhabitant of the municipality who is of legal age. You have to log in to enter Mitt Reykjanes and this is possible by three routes, with a password which is distributed to everyone, with an Ice-key that you can order at http://www.island.is and with an electronic certificate that can be ordered at http://www.skilriki.is.

A change of domicile needs to be reported to the population register. Registration and further information is found on the Registers Iceland website, www.skra.is. You will find very detailed information about relocating to Iceland, and further information regarding this can be found in many languages at the Multicultural and Information Centre website, http://www.mcc.is.