Environmental issues and transport


Bus4u is the bus company servicing the inhabitants of Reykjanesbær with the local bus service where they drive on four routes: R1, R2, R3 and R4, divided up according to sections of the area. The local bus service is free for all. Any further information uou will find on the  Bus4u website, http://bus4u.is/.

The bust drives on route 55 between Reykjanesbær and the metropolitan area and on routes 87, 88 and 89 from Reykjanesbær to other municipalities in Suðurnes. The time schedules for the bus service is found at Strætó, www.straeto.is and in Strætó App.

The Reykjanesbær service centre supervises the snow removal service and the preventative measures against icing on the roads. Pavements and paths of the town according to a certain prioritising. The service centre is on duty 24 hours of the day, all year round. From 1 October until 15 April a watchman departs for inspection at 4:30. If it is probable that slippery or snowy conditions have formed in the streets of the town the necessary measures will be taken. The telephone of the Service Centre is 420 3200.

During the summer months there is a youth work school for students 15 years and older where they are offered to work on tidying up streets-, town sections, and flower beds, cutting, raking and sod laying. Further information on the website https://vinnuskolinn.wordpress.com/

On the website of Reykjanesbær there is suggestion-website where you can send a suggestion regarding whatever you need to fix in the community. This could be a broken lamppost, broken paving stones and a hole in the road for instance. The url of the suggestion website is http://mini.loftmyndir.is/dvergur/clients/ath_rnb/.

The map display of airial photographs, https://www.map.is/reykjanesbaer/ you can see the land area of Reykjanesbær from the air. There is also access to the town planning, the utility mains, where you can also receive information about free building lots and see blueprints of buildings.