Education and training

There are 6 elementary schools in Reykjanesbær. The schools offer hot meals and after school child care in the recreation center from the time when school finishes until 16:00 hours all weekdays. The school commencement ceremony in the autumn is around 22 August and the school end of term is about 6 June.

These are the elementary schools in Reykjanesbær:

There are 10 Pre-schools in Reykjanesbær:

The opening hours of the Pre-schools vary:

  • From 7:30 – 16:15 Háaleiti, Holt
  • From 7:45 – 16:15 Akur, Gimli, Heiðarsel, Hjallatún,Tjarnarsel, Vesturberg
  • From 7:30 – 16:30 Garðasel
  • From 7:30 – 16:30 Völlur

The Pre-schools close for four weeks during summer. There are two school holiday periods, or the periods during which the schools are closed, but the parents can apply for their children in another Pre-school if necessary.

There is a music school in Reykjanesbær where many subjects are taught and there are brass-bands and string orchestras operating in Reykjanesbær as well as a children‘s choir. The music school is located in the Hljómahöll center at Hjallavegur 2,
The Suðurnes Comprehensive Highschool provides further education for the whole area of Suðurnes. The school is located at Sunnubraut in Reykjanesbær,

The Center for Continuing Education in Suðurnes (MSS) is located in Reykjanesbær. Its main role is to promote the continuing education and retraining of the population of Suðurnes but there are also university level distance learning programs and many types of recreation courses for individuals. MSS offers language courses and also counseling to thee public. The MSS website is

Keilir, the center for science, studies and the economy provides an option for those who have not completed the advanced level or matriculation examination, but who wish to begin university studies, referred to as háskólabrú or „university bridge“. Keilir also has a flight academy, sports academy, and technical university studies. Further information on the Keilir website,

Native language, an association for bilinguism, offers native language studies, see their Facebook page, Reykjanesbær also has a language school: Saga Akademía that offers language courses. Further details on the website